Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Follow Up

So my last post was a bit emotional. I just wanted to follow up on life for the past couple weeks.

First of all, I think that getting things out in the open means that I am not hiding a lot of what Satan keeps telling me. It is all out in the open. And as a result, there were so many people praying against the enemy. We have had a lot more answers to questions we had, but most importantly, I feel peace and am trusting I should have been anyway.

Language...We have been living here, and we have been working on our language, and we are a lot further along than we were last year when we got here. I am having longer conversations with people and can use compound sentences and ask questions better. But I have only been here for 15 months...language takes time but it will come. Tonight we saw Mirror Mirror at the theater in Polish, and I left saying, "WOW! I understood a lot more than I did last year when we saw Cars 2." Haha!

Future...We took another trip to the north and visited a church in Gdynia and then had a meeting with the pastor and an elder of the church. We walked into church late because we had the wrong address. The only seats together were on the front row of course. So we sat there. WOW!!! God really spoke to me. It was the first time I have truly worshipped in Polish in over a year. It was amazing. Our church in Krakow has an interpretor most Sundays, however, it is so distracting between the preacher and interpretor that I can't focus on anyone. This church did not have one, and I was able to find the correct book, chapter, and verses and follow along with the sermon and with the scriptures. It was fabulous! Then, when we met with the pastor and elder, we had a great meeting. Not only was it how can we help them, but they were asking how they can help us. They want to make sure that we feel like this is our home church. They also invited us to come on a retreat with their church the first week of June. So we are heading back in a month. It will be a great opportunity for us to meet people in a relaxed environment...not to mention a great time to speak Polish ONLY for a few days.

Ella and School...While we were in Gdańsk, we visited The American School of Gdynia and the International School of Gdańsk. Both schools were good schools, but different. After both interviews, I just really felt like the American school was the better school for Ella and that is for a few reasons. The main reason is that the teachers are all Polish as are the majority of the kids. This means that there is a lot of Polish being spoken, however, the classes are all taught in English. So she would be learning in English but playing and interacting in Polish. It also keeps her around Polish kids...and consequently, hopefully we would be interacting with the kids' families. :) She officially was offered the only spot left in her class for next year. That was the missing piece we needed. Woohoo!!!

So it looks like we will be living in Gdynia. I feel VERY good and at peace about this.

Homeschooling...I have really enjoyed having Ella at home. She is my sweet, joyful Ella that I have always known. She seems so relaxed and calm. I think pulling her out of school for this time was exactly what she...and we...needed. She is going to go to school for language classes and for piano and just to play each afternoon with the other kids. It will be good for her I think. But we will continue doing math and reading and writing at home. Her teacher has been helpful in making this decision.

So there ya you have the follow up. If you are reading this and have prayed for us...thank you. God has shown us his faithfulness...had we had different outcomes or no answers still...God would still be faithful.

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